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Martin Buber’s I and Thou
Host: Nicholas Colloff
Monday, March 17, 2025
9:00am PST | 12:00pm EST | 5:00pm GMT | 6:00pm CET
This event is LIVE and FREE. All registered participants will receive the RECORDING.
An informal monthly get-together to discuss books of significance for the Pari Center community.
Martin Buber wrote, ‘There is something that can only be found in one place. It is a great treasure, which may be called the fulfilment of existence. The place where this treasure can be found is the place on which one stands.’ HIs first attempt to lay out a pathway to this fulfilment was in his seminal book, I and Thou, written in six weeks under an intense sense of inspiration, and which he would spend the next forty years developing into the practice of living dialogue, revealing that ‘all real living is meeting.’ But what does it mean to be truly present in the world, engaged in relationships of wholeness and meaning? How does this relate to the equal imperative to know about the world and to use it to achieve our specific purposes? And what might either have to do with God or ultimate reality?
For those familiar with the work of Ian McGilchrist, we could frame this as how might my Master and my Emissary achieve a more harmonious relationship in the light of a deeper unity waiting to address me, now, just where I am, standing in a world that waits to greet me? I have now been reading Buber for forty years—and whether it is mastering my impatience in the queue at the Sainsbury checkout, answering a colleague’s question openly and honestly, making a decision with hoped for love and justice or thinking about the nature of God, I found that Buber is part of the weft on which my thinking and acting has been woven. I hope to share something of his life, the book’s meanings and why they might matter deeply.
NICHOLAS COLLOFF, when not posting art on Facebook or walking through the woods, is the Director of the Argidius Foundation, a Swiss family foundation that helps develop social and environmental enterprises, principally in Africa and Latin America. He studied theology, philosophy and the psychology of religion at university, after which he helped found the Prison Phoenix Trust that teaches meditation and yoga to people in prison, and from this discovered a gift for starting things (and leaving them in better hands so they flourished). This has included a microfinance bank in the Balkans, a charity focused on community mental health in poor communities in the Global South and a social investment fund. In between launches, he is also to be found in contemplative communities recovering!
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