The Future Mind – A Conversation with Kimberly Johnson

Kimberly Johnson is an author, postpartum care activist, trauma educator, structural bodyworker and mother. She graduated Valedictorian from Northwestern University with a BS in Social Policy (‘97). She studied yoga directly with the three main lineage holders of the Krishnamacharya tradition- Desikachar, BKS Iyengar, and Pattabhi Jois and taught yoga full time for 15 years, while also maintaining a Structural Integration practice. When radically rearranged by childbirth, Kimberly’s life changed shape to attend to the cultural chasm of postpartum care, and as a result she trained in Somatic Experiencing and Sexological Bodywork to be able to help women heal from birth injuries, gynecological surgeries and sexual boundary violations.

Event Series The Pari Center Book-a-Month Club

Book-a-Month Club – The Little Prince

Event registrationClick on the Going button below to register for this event; enter your full name and email address and then press Submit RSVP.The Little Princeby Antoine de Saint-ExuperyHost: Beth MacyThursday, November 21, 20249:00am PST  | 12:00pm EST  | 5:00pm GMT  |  6:00pm CET This event is LIVE and FREE. All registered participants will receive the […]

Event Series The Pari Center Book-a-Month Club

Book-a-Month Club – Songs of Innocence and Experience

Event registrationClick on the Going button below to register for this event; enter your full name and email address and then press Submit RSVP.Songs of Innocence and Experienceby William BlakeHost: Andrea McLeanFriday, December 6, 20249:00am PST  | 12:00pm EST  | 5:00pm GMT  |  6:00pm CET This event is LIVE and FREE. All registered participants will receive […]