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Welcome to the Pari Center library. The essays and papers made available here are free to everyone in the spirit of the gift economy and the free flow of information. If you wish to republish our articles, online or in print, please check with us first to make sure we hold the copyright.
All of F. David Peat’s essays are freely available without the need for permission. If you wish to re-publish, please do not edit the piece, ensure that you attribute the author, and mention that the article was originally published on the Pari Center website.
We are in the process of transferring the Library content from the old PCNL website. When complete, the Library will contain Essays and Papers, Audio and Video clips, Book Reviews and Suggested Reading Lists and an archive of the Pari Center Newsletters. Topics will range from ethics, economics, new science, religion, philosophy, creativity, education and general cultural issues. A series of audio clips will be available taken from historic interviews with leading scientists including Heisenberg, Dirac, Rosenfeld, Uhlenbeck, Prigogine, Bohm, Wheeler, Salam and Penrose. Video clips will include discussions on David Bohm, Cezanne and the Implicate Order. Blackfoot language and the Newtonian world view. Non-locality and the EPR paradox. The Interpretation of Quantum Theory.
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Essays and Papers
This section of the library contains a wide variety of essays and papers on the following subjects:
A list of articles taken from past issues of our journal.
Synchronicity, Archetypes, Pauli, Problem of Evil
Biographical, Quantum Physics, Active Information, Creativity, Dialogue, Language
Dualism, Matter and Mind, Karl Pribram, Synchronicity
Art and Consciousness, David Bohm and Creativity, Cinema, Gentle Action and Creative Suspension, Interviews with Artists and Composers, Cézanne, Creativity in Art vs Science
Gentle Action, Creative Suspension
Traditional Knowledge and Western Science, Scientific Racism, Language, Native Astronomy, Blackfoot, Australian Aboriginals, Maori, African Metaphysics, Pluralistic Knowing, Kyrgyzstan
Economics, Ethics and Globalization – Conferences and Roundtables in Pari
Changing Economic Paradigms, Globalization, Diplomacy, The Welfare State, Philanthropy, Sustainability, Liberalism and Neo-liberalism, Development
Complementary currencies, globalization, sustainability, chaos theory, neoliberalism
Nanotechnology, nuclear weapons, Institution of War, Inner Space Treaty
Metanexus Local Initiatives Program
Religion and science, war and peace
Consciousness, perception, creativity, alchemy, Escher, Cézanne, Anish Kapoor, Antony Gormley, Janine Antoni, Catherine Wagner, David Andrew, Stansfield/Hooykaas, Michael Petry
Dialogue between the Abrahamic Religions, Creation of the Cosmos, Religion and Peace, Pauli, Faraday and Pasteur, Sufism and Science, Science and Religious Fundamentalism, Scientist-Theologian John Polkinghorne
Chaos Theory and its Applications
Non-linear systems, chaos theory, post modernism, gentle action
Culture, Philosophy and Science
Education, gentle action, music, philosophy, creativity, development, art and science
Education, Digital publishing, Global Universities, Future of the Universities, Use of the Internet, Copyright and Copyleft