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Deborah Egger

Deborah Egger-Biniores, MSW, is training and supervising analyst at the International School for Analytical Psychology in Zurich, Switzerland. She was AGAP President from 2001–2010, served on the IAAP Executive Committee during 2001–2007 and was a founding member of ISAPZURICH. She earned her diploma in Analytical Psychology at the CG Jung Institute, Küsnacht and her academic education previously was in the fields of religion, psychology, music and social work. Her writing interest currently focuses on the cyclical process of development over the course of a lifetime and on adult intimate relationships particularly with relation to the human soul and its intention. She teaches regularly on the topics of transference, developmental psychology, neurosis, psychopathology and the role of relationships in individuation. The mother of two grown children, she maintains a private analytic practice in Stäfa, Switzerland, and is currently serving as President of ISAPZURICH.