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Jan Walleczek

Jan Walleczek, Director of Phenoscience Laboratories, Berlin, Germany, and Director of the Fetzer Franklin Fund of the John E. Fetzer Memorial Trust, USA. Previously, he was Director of the Bioelectromagnetics Laboratory at Stanford University Medical School, USA. Jan Walleczek was a doctoral fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, and post-doctoral fellow at the Research Medicine and Radiation Biophysics Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California at Berkeley. His scientific publications cover the fields of biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics. His recent work concerns the foundations of quantum mechanics and applications to living systems of concepts such as quantum coherence, emergent dynamics, and the flow of information, a long-standing interest that he summarized as an edited volume for Cambridge University Press titled ‘Self-organized Biological Dynamics and Nonlinear Control.’ In 2019, he co-edited the book titled Emergent Quantum Mechanics—David Bohm Centennial Perspectives for MDPI Press. In addition to metascience and advanced methodology, his professional interests include the philosophy and foundations of science.
Past events with Jan Walleczek (1)
Infinite Potential: Exploring the Life and Work of David Bohm – Summer Series
July 12, 2020