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Lorne Schussel

Lorne Schussel, Ph.D is Adjunct Assistant Professor and Core Faculty at the Spirituality Mind Body Institute of Columbia University, Teacher College. He is the Research Director of the Contemplative Science and Post Materialism Lab as well as the PI of the Contemplative Neuroscience and Connectivity Project. His research focuses on the utilization of contemplative practices, human connectivity, contemplative neuroscience, EEG hyperscanning, and integrating clinical biomarkers into treatment. Dr. Schussel developed a psychological healing practice known as “The Best Self Visualization Method” which has been cited in the New York Times, ABC-online, and the Huffington Post. His thoughts on creativity and neuroscience have been quoted recently in He has also been an invited speaker at the United Nations Mission to Nigeria and United Nation Church Center and his method has been added to a curriculum for mental health and resilience at Zucker Hillside Hospital (NorthWell Health) and the Long Beach School District. He has presented to corporate leaders in Indonesia as part of a mental health initiative for the COVID-19 crisis and lectured to Psychiatry Medical Residents at Mount Sinai Hospital, Glendale Adventist Hospital and to the University of Southern California. Dr. Schussel has worked as visiting faculty at the California State Judicial College teaching about mental health and employee burnout to appointed state judges and offered meditation, loving-kindness and resilience programs to Police Officers in NY, CA, and MA.