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Luca Possati

Luca M. PossatiĀ is a postdoctoral researcher at Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands). Educated as a philosopher, he has been researcher and lecturer at the University of Porto (Portugal) and Institut Catholique (France), and associate researcher of the Fonds Ricoeur and EHESS (Ecole des hautes Ć©tudes en sciences sociales). His research focuses on philosophy of technology and AI, technology assessment, AI ethics, and ethics of quantum technologies. He also works in the field of software studies. He has published numerous papers and books on phenomenology, and history of contemporary philosophy. He is the author of The Algorithmic Unconscious. How Psychoanalysis Helps in Understanding AI (Routledge, 2021).
Past events with Luca Possati (1)
The Future Human – A Conversation with Luca Possati
October 18, 2023