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Mark Saban

Mark Saban PhD worked for 20 years as an actor and performer before training with the Independent Group of Analytical Psychologists, with whom he is a senior analyst. He is also a lecturer in Jungian and post-Jungian studies in the Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex.
Publications: Mark co-edited (with Emilija Kiehl and Andrew Samuels) Analysis and Activism – Social and Political Contributions of Jungian Psychology (Routledge 2016) and wrote Two Souls Alas: Jung’s Two Personalities and the Making of Analytical Psychology (Chiron 2019) which won the International Association of Jungian Studies’ Best Book of 2019.
s the 2019 Zürich Lecture Series at the International School of Analytical Psychology. Based on his Ph.D. thesis, the book was published by Chiron in 2019.