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Mindahi Crescencio Bastida Muñoz

Mindahi Crescencio Bastida Muñoz (Otomi-Toltec) is the Director of the Original Nations Program at The Fountain and a member of the Mother Earth Delegation. He is an executive member of the Alliance Guardians of Mother Earth and a spokesperson of the recently created Grand Council of the Eagle and the Condor. He is also the General Coordinator of the Otomi Regional Council of the High Lerma River Basin, Mexico, that promotes the rights of nature and Mother Earth as well as the rights to self- determination of original nations.
Mindahi has served as a delegate to various commissions and summits on indigenous rights and sustainability, including the 1992 Earth Summit and the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD, 2002). He was director of the Original Caretakers Program at the Center for Earth Ethics at Union Theological Seminary in New York City between 2015 and 2020 and has been invited to partake in several advisory councils.
He has written on the relation between the state and Indigenous Peoples, intercultural education, collective intellectual property rights and associated traditional knowledge, biocultural sacred sites, and other topics.