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Trine-Line Biong

Trine-Line Biong, a trained actor, director and coach, joined as chief editor in the Flux Foundation in 1997. Initially, her main role was the publication of Flux Magazine, and subsequently the books that would come out under the Flux imprint. In 2009 Trine-Line and Christian Valentiner, an experienced facilitator and organisational development consultant, decided to turn some of the subject matter on dialogue into experiential programs. Over the course of the following years hundreds of people have been trained as dialogue practitioners and facilitators under the Flux brand.
Today, she is the general manager of flux , which is a publishing house and also works with courses and programs around dialogue. Important areas for all work in Flux are awareness-raising and communication. Some of the ongoing projects are prison dialogue and from autumn 2023, Flux will also become a collaboration partner with the Nobel Peace Center and will deliver dialogue courses on a regular basis.