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647 people are attending PSI: Back to the Future
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PSI: Back to the Future
Sunday February 9, 2025
11:30am PST | 2:30pm EST | 7:30pm GMT | 8:30pm CET (and ending about four hours later)
Curated and chaired by: Alex Gomez-Marin
With: Damon Abraham, David Acunzo, Cedric Cannard, Dani Caputi, Adam Curry, Maaneli Derakhshani, Ed Kelly, David Luke, Jeffrey Mishlove, Julia Mossbridge, Roger Nelson, Dean Radin, Stephen Schwartz, James Spottiswoode, Mario Varvoglis, Marina Weiler, George Williams
This event is LIVE and FREE. All registered participants will receive the recording.
The scientific study of psychic (or PSI) phenomena –which includes extrasensory perception, precognition, synchronicity, direct mind-to-mind communication, or mind-matter interactions– has been going on for more than a century now. Its results are fascinating, puzzling, and often controversial. In this event some of the greatest active researchers in the field will present their own work while reflecting on where PSI has been, where we think it is now, and where we wish it to go. We hope to create an unprecedented audiovisual gathering for current and future generations to get perspective, clarity, and inspiration.
647 people are attending PSI: Back to the Future