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Unlimited Love, Neurophysiolic Dialogue and Learning objectives

From the perspective of evolutionary biology, the essential purpose of the mind/brain is adaptation of the organism to an ever-changing environment for the purpose of self-maintenance and reproduction. Adaptation is associated with a ‘ reconstruction (reorganization) cycle of brain-based neurological thought and behavior patterns. This adaptation cycle is designated as the empiric modification cycle (EMC).

Initially in the state of ‘pure awareness’ of sensory input, the brain either generates or experiences material reality. This pure awareness is one of a non-dual (not subjective or objective), non-local ( not located in space or time), and open-ended (inventive) suchness of the whole-of- all. Pure awareness is anterior to processing in the primary and secondary circuitry of ordinary-everyday subjective-objective consciousness (both self/ego and intuitive/sub consciousness) . It occurs in a content-free receptivity of ‘pure-consciousness.’

In a limited sense, brain function is explicated as the function of: 1) seven cognitive operators along with their association areas and, 2) the ‘adaptive-imperative’ of the empiric modification cycle’s (EMC). Their collective output results in what is designated the ‘mind’ . These operators and association areas are specific parts of the brain that perform specific functions analogous to operators used in mathematics. The cognitive operators dictate how sensory, thought, or memory inputs are related to each other. In contrast to mathematic operators, cognitive operators have sensory perception, thoughts, and emotions as input and, they function in much more complex and integrated ways. There are seven basic cognitive operators: abstractive, reductionistic, holistic, causal, binary, quantity, and emotional.

From the perspective of neurophysiology, various associations (relationships, combinations) of seven basic cognitive operators are the mind/brain outputs that lead to patterns of adaptive behaviors, thoughts, and emotions.

Seven Truisms or Principles and One Question:

1. Adaptive transformation Adaptive transformation occurs as the result of mind/brain input-output ‘re-patterning’. This is particularly true when the re-patterning occurs in the thalamic association areas . Re-patterning is a ‘state-dependent’ reorganization of the neural network. This reorganization is dependent upon hyper-arousal or hyper-quiescent states of the autonomic nervous system. Re-patterning occurs most frequently when both the arousal and quiescent systems become maximally stimulated and their neural activity ‘spills over’ causing a disconnection of all neural input into the holistic cognitive operator. Upon this total deaffernentation (disconnect), the uninhibited mind/brain’ s final common path of brain function results in the experience of the holistic phenomenon (mystical mind). This is due to the dominance of the holistic operator that is located in the right parietal lobe of the brain’s right hemisphere.

2. The Holism Phenomenon: An Isomorphic-Event the phenomenon of holism is the consequence of deafferentation (disconnected from input) of the holistic operator in the right parietal lobe of the brain’s right hemisphere. The content of the holism phenomena includes: 1) a non-duality between self and other, 2) a boundary-free awareness of ‘all’ and, and 3) a numinous (supernatural) presence .

3. Isomorphic-Event – from ‘pure awareness’ to the primacy of reality composed by the synergy, and simultaneity of both ( a) the experiencing-self and (b) an external material reality: For the survival of our species, evolutionary processes have preferentially selected the mind/brains that best represents (isomorphism) what is “out there” . While the mystical holism phenomena may be ‘generated’ only as a by-product of brain function , it is more likely that what is represented in brain-based experience (‘best-representation’) is what is actually ‘out there’. That is to say that this brain-phenomenon is isomorphic (consistent.. compatible .. in ‘sync’) with our common-use of the term ‘reality’ . Our experience is a ‘best representation’ of reality otherwise we would maladapt and fail to survive.

4. The isomorphic-event that is made manifest by completely uninhibited function of the brain’s holistic operator can also occur in a more frequent incomplete form. This alternative expression of the holism phenomenon is the consequence of the partially inhibited holistic operator function . This incomplete (partial) form provides neither the scale (totality) nor the efficacy (outcome) of impact of the phenomenological (observable, ‘happening’) achievement realized though totally uninhibited holistic operator function.

5. Altruism and compassion, with no fear of death: A brain re-patterned by the mystical holism phenomena will advance an adaptive transformation into the way-of-life of altruism and compassion, and of having no fear of death. Neurophysiologic and psycho-behavioral outcome data about active unbounded engagement of self with others, the “Other”, ‘Suchness’, the ‘Whole’ , etc. positively predicts that personal and social transformation will be in the direction of unlimited love, and a sense of sustained fulfilled well-being. The same data provide evidence that this new pattern will persist.

6. Human fulfillment and subjective well-being: Human fulfillment and subjective well-being are achieved by response to that which is experienced to be ‘the fact’ revealed within the phenomenon of mystical holism described above. While this response is emotion laden, it is behaviorally based. Observable and communicable foundation elements are 1) participation in, 2) presence and solidarity with, and 3) service to the incarnations (actual entities) of this ‘Other/Suchness’ experienced in mystical holism.

7. Primary Focus: All of this directs our primary focus on 1) the journey, path, or way of our lives. The task of 2) resolving the apparent paradoxes of foundation myths and of 3) interacting with symbolic objects and rituals is a secondary concern.

Question: What technologic (know-how) traditions and practical wisdom traditions can we utilize or invent to introduce or reinforce the brain-based partial (ordinary-everyday) or total (exceptionally-rare) holistic phenomenon that will lead to human fulfillment and subjective well-being?


1. Primary circuit (self or ego consciousness circuits) and into its secondary circuits (intuitive or subconscious circuits)

2. The thalamus integrates sensory information. It is an ovoid body of nuclei in the lateral wall of the their ventricle of the brain Association Area: There are four association area in the brain model of the neurophysiological basis of human behavior. They structure (model) the basis of human behavior and eventually even the development of foundation assumptions of science and religions their rituals and myths. They are the visual, orientation, attention, and verbal-conceptual association areas. Each area is conceptualized as having three ascending levels of complexity. The third levels are involved in the highest level of function and analysis with combined input from other association areas and linked to the limbic system’ s emotional value content. These highly developed neurons seem to be the end station of a hierarchical system that mediates the perceptions, recognitions, and assigning emotional value (meaning) of specific and particular inputs from the body’ s sensory end receptors.

3. The altered state of consciousness that persists even upon return to baseline consciousness that occurs during the ‘5th phase of stimulation of the arousal-quiescent systems when both sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are maximally stimulated and their customary antagonism fails with ‘spill over’ resulting in their ‘disconnect’ (deafferentation) of input to the holistic cognitive operator.

4. This is the awe filled moment of the sacred that is at the cusp between the know-unknown (unanswered questions we can ask) and the unknown-unknown (question we cannot ask because they cannot be conceived, i.e., questions yet in the ‘cloud of unknonwing’ . It is the outcome of several approaches to phenomenon; one of which is the spiritual approach. In Western culture it is filled with a sense of presence (material being) transcending proximal immediately relevant experience as an Ultimate, or as unity with an Absolute-Other, or a Ground-of-Being. The holism phenomenon is the approximate equivalent and physiologic referent for definition of the mystical experience.

5. The perspective of panentheism would change this phrase to “the all, our home, in which our being and biography emerges.”

6. An epiphenomenona

7.  Maximal stimulation of either arousal or quiescent systems with ‘spill over’ into the other system and incomplete disconnection form the holistic cognitive operator.

8. A form that is a ‘phenomenological occasion’ for all of us but that must be reinforced by the testimony of major mystics and persons of peak-experience.

9. That is to say, after full expression of the mystical mind

10. motive, idea and emotion

11. realized behaviour