On the Edge of Destruction or the Border of “Renaissance”?

This is an excerpt from one of the presentations featured in the Pari Center’s event Re-enchanting the World, in Pari from August 27 to September 3, 2019.

with Elena Liotta

Soul and Earth facing a global challenge

Elena’s contribution to the June Pari Dialogue could be seen as an updating of a course she gave in Pari in 2001: Re-creating the World. This same world now needs Re-enchanting—a very challenging task—for the Self, Environment and Community are still in trouble. Elena will briefly provide a realistic description of the situation in which we have found ourselves and our planet over the last 10 years, in the reciprocal reflection of human, animal, natural and artificial realms. Her focus is to bring deeper awareness of the complex and chaotic nature of the new growing difficulties. The Collective Unconscious seems to be in a stalemate like a prisoner of the media’s imagery, Humanistic Disciplines such as psychology, spirituality, philosophy need a sort of general “clean up” starting from their foundations. In order to regain lost emotional echoes and to create new values we are looking for a new Chant.

Elena Liotta was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  She is a clinical psychologist who specialized as a Jungian psychoanalyst and training analyst. She also has an international background and university degree in Oriental Studies (Roma, La Sapienza).

In addition to her clinical practice she has served as a city councilor in the local government of Orvieto, focusing on Health, Education, Social Services and Youth. 

She has supervised women’s help organizations and was a Professor of Continuing Education which included gender issues. Elena continues to work as a consultant on refugees, migrants, women soldiers on UN missions, preventing abuse, and she continues to participate in international multicultural projects and encounters.

Among her publications are books and numerous articles including: On Soul and Earth. The Psychic Value of Place, Routledge, London New York 2009; Gender and Power, Towards Equality and Democratic Governance (chapter 18) Palgrave Macmillan 2015; A modo mi: Donne tra creatività e potere, Edizioni Magi, Roma 2007.