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The Sense of Wonder

This is an excerpt from one of the presentations featured in the Pari Center’s event Re-enchanting the World, in Pari from August 27 to September 3, 2019.
with Yuriko Sato
Marine biologist and author of Silent Spring, Rachel Carson wrote in her last book, the Sense of Wonder, that she wished for each child to be gifted a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life as an unfailing antidote against the boredom and disenchantment of later years. The sense of wonder is a vital sign of psyche, animated and touched by the numinous life force of nature to which it belongs. Without the sense of wonder, our culture would be deprived of art, spirituality and even science, while individually we would lack any meaningful experience in life. The sense of wonder will be explored as the key to our connection with the enchanted world.

Yuriko Sato is a Japanese Jungian analyst and psychotherapist, and a graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute Zürich. She studied medicine and worked as a psychiatrist in Osaka and Kyoto. She has private psychotherapy practices in Zürich and Bern, and is a training/supervising analyst at ISAPZURICH (International School of Analytical Psychology Zürich), where she teaches on topics such as the Eastern (Japanese) psyche, narcissism, and psychiatry.