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Colin Tudge

Colin Tudge is a biologist by education (Peterhouse, Cambridge) and a writer by inclination and by trade. For some decades he worked for World Medicine, Farmers Weekly, New Scientist, and the much-missed Agricultural and Food Research Council, and then had his own science programme on BBC Radio 3 before becoming a full-time author in 1990. In 2010 he co-founded the Oxford Real Farming Conference which in 2021 becomes ‘ORFC Global’; and he is now helping to set up the College for Real Farming and Food Culture to develop and disseminate the ideas outlined in The Great Re-Think: A 21st Century Renaissance, which was named Book of the Year 2020 by the Scientific and Medical Network.

Past events with Colin Tudge (2)

The Great Re-Think

April 17, 2021

Pari Dialogue: The Great Re-Think with Colin Tudge

June 6, 2020