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Harald Atmanspacher

Harald Atmanspacher is an emeritus member of the Turing Center at ETH Zurich. After his PhD in physics at Munich University (1986), he worked as a research scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics at Garching until 1998. Then he served as head of the theory group at the Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology at Freiburg until 2013. His fields of research are the theory of complex systems, conceptual and theoretical aspects of (algebraic) quantum theory, and mind-matter relations from interdisciplinary perspectives. He is the president of the Society for Mind-Matter Research and editor-in-chief of the interdisciplinary international journal Mind and Matter.

Upcoming events with Harald Atmanspacher (1)

Radical Visions

May 23, 2025

Past events with Harald Atmanspacher (1)

Re-Visioning Consciousness

June 5, 2022