F. David Peat Videos

F. David Peat Speaks about Language of Physics – Newtonian vs. Blackfoot World View

Language, the Newtonian world view, David Bohm’s Implicate order and the Blackfoot language and world view. The above interviews courtesy of Bodhisattva Productions, Ltd. – September 2013

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F. David Peat on Non-Locality and the EPR Paradox

Courtesy of Bodhisattva Productions, Ltd.

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F. David Peat on Quantum Theory

The interpretation of Quantum Theory. Courtesy of Bodhisattva Productions, Ltd

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David Peat full Interview

Interview with Dr David Peat about ‘Wholeness and the Implicate Order’ which was authored by Dr David Bohm who did some extraordinary work on plasma.

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Interview with David Peat on Synchronicity, David Bohm, Roger Penrose and Pari Center for New Learning

2012 – Jean-Francios Vezina[separator width=”1000px” height=”2px” position=”center” color=”#222222″]

David Peat: Information Field

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David Peat

Interview, 2010[separator width=”1000px” height=”2px” position=”center” color=”#222222″]

David Peat 2

Interview, 2010[separator width=”1000px” height=”2px” position=”center” color=”#222222″]

David Peat 3

Interview, 2010