Event Series The Future Mind – A Conversation Series

The Future Mind – A Conversation with Pim van Lommel


A monthly virtual encounter to reckon whence and whither humanity. Pim van Lommel, M.D., born in 1943, graduated in 1971 at the University of Utrecht, and finished his specialization in cardiology in 1976. He worked from 1977-2003 as a cardiologist in Hospital Rijnstate, a 800-bed Teaching Hospital in Arnhem, the Netherlands, and is now doing full-time research on the mind-brain relation. He published several articles on cardiology, but since he started his research on near-death experiences (NDE) in survivors of cardiac arrest in 1986 he is the author of over 20 articles (most of them in Dutch), one book and many chapters about NDE. He was co-founder of the Dutch IANDS in 1988.


It’s About Time


We understand how the passage of time ‘expands’ or ‘contracts’ depending on how fast you are travelling compared to an observer. There is also conclusive evidence that time distorts in the presence of mass, leading to the effects we used to ascribe to a force of gravity. Some even believe that they understand how time morphs into existence, along with the universe, out of some quantum pre-stuff. This, however, is all ‘physical time’; the relationship between the physics and the experience of ‘psychological time’ is far from clear.


Benign Anarchy!

Pari, Italy

A Pari gathering/retreat for members of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and NA (Narcotics Anonymous) plus family and friends will be held in Pari, Tuscany from September 9-16, 2023 (Saturday to Saturday).

The format will be a combination of closed AA and NA meetings and meditation, and some open meetings which everyone can attend.


The Future Mind – A Conversation with Ida Cuéllar


Ida Cuéllar is a filmmaker and musician living between Barcelona and Mexico City. He has worked all over the world as a director and screenwriter. His work in advertising has won numerous awards at Cannes, San Sebastián FIAP and the Ojo de Iberoamérica, among others. Ida has directed multiple short films, such as La muerte de Otilia Ruiz (2011) and the experimental fashion film Phasmata (2014), selected for numerous international festivals. Among other relevant commissions, he directed the pilot episode of the series Magnum Opus (2016), with James Cosmos, Arly Jover, Timothy Gibbs, Jamie Anderson and Sam Douglas. In his works, Ida explores the nature of imagination and consciousness. Hence one of his latest and greatly acclaimed works, on which he has been researching for a decade, is The Secret of Dr. Grinberg (2020).


Consciousness for Real

Pari, Italy

Join us at the Pari Center with world-renowned leaders in consciousness studies as we deepen our insights into the many facets that such an intimate mystery entails. Through in-depth presentations and informal discussions in a convivial atmosphere you will learn about, and have opportunities to discuss, the insights and research findings of world-renowned experts on current consciousness research and its future. Such a multifaceted field is currently enjoying a huge renaissance in terms of general interest and academic momentum. Consciousness is more than a ‘hard problem’—and also less. It’s the intimate mystery of our very existence. Its study thus requires an integrative and conscious approach beyond short-sighted abstractions.


Gentle Action: A Gathering of Shared Experience

Pari, Italy

Join us for a week of living moment by moment, in Pari, Italy surrounded by the peaceful hills of the Tuscan landscape. With its beautiful palazzo, rustic bar, and numerous quiet places, the medieval village of Pari acts as an alchemical vessel for transformations to take place. Throughout the week you will have ample opportunities to connect with Nature, others, and—perhaps most importantly—yourself. Experience the power of dialogue and active listening in an atmosphere that cultivates intimacy in everyday interactions. Embracing the present and choosing to act more gently, allows insights and interconnections to emerge and bubble up in a natural and playful manner. Such moments are often accompanied by experiences of openness, trust, joy, and a childlike sense of wonder.
