Pari Perspectives 10

December 2021


Pari Perspectives 10: Consciousness – Digital Edition


Welcome to issue 10, December 2021, of Pari Perspectives, which explores the topic of Consciousness.

It includes contributions from Valerie Hardcastle, Gary Lachman and Beverley Zabriskie who were presenters during our online What Is Consciousness event earlier in the year. Each contributor elaborates on their particular interests and fields of research. Additional contributors include Christiane de Morais Smith who asks โ€˜Can Consciousness be Explained by Quantum Physics?โ€™ And Oliver Thorne who discusses a very different way of looking at the topic with his โ€˜Nishitani Keiji: The Japanese Philosophical Critique of Consciousness.โ€™

The โ€˜More Perspectivesโ€™ section contains a 14-page fully illustrated spread of Leslie Allan Combs โ€˜Art and The Evolution of Consciousness.โ€™ Combs declares that โ€˜The idea that consciousness, or experience, has evolved and may continue to evolve through time and history has been explored in one way or another by many philosophers and pioneers of the inner life, but is seen nowhere more clearly than in the history of art.โ€™ Others would agree with him: F. David Peatโ€™s essay is titled โ€˜The Alchemy of Creativity: Art, Consciousness and Embodiment.โ€™ Ivana Gilgoric uses collage in โ€˜Art as a Mirror of Consciousnessโ€™ and we end with a fine essay and artwork from Tine Wilde โ€˜An Enquiry into the Nature of our Relationship with Reality.โ€™

In addition, we touch on the related topics of Synchronicity and the I Ching with Martin Kandesโ€™ essay โ€˜In the Shadows of Synchronicityโ€™ and Eleanor Goodmanโ€™s โ€˜Changing in the Political and Domestic Spheresโ€™ which examines, from both perspectives, the ambitious literary work Changing, a mosaic of poems based on the I Ching by Richard Berengarten. And from Hans Svalberg โ€˜A Transcendent Perspective on Reality and David Bohmโ€™s Implicate and Explicate Ordersโ€™ in which Svalberg discusses his response in poetry to David Bohmโ€™s worldview. And finally a fun piece from Mike Jay on the effects of nitrous oxide on the conscious state.

The journal is available to everyone who has become a Friend of the Pari Center:

Below you can read 2 free articles from this issue. To read more, subscribe and support this initiative.

The Matter of Psyche

Beverley Zabriskie

Getting Beyond the Robot

Gary Lachman