Pari Perspectives 11

March 2022


Pari Perspectives 11: Creativity – Digital Edition


Welcome to issue 11 of Pari Perspectives, which explores the topic of Creativity

The idea for an issue on Creativity began in August 2021 when the Pari Center hosted an online series of webinars named ‘Beyond Bohm.’ In Part 2 of this series, ‘Contemplation and Creativity,’ the non-scientific aspects of David Bohm’s interests and life’s work were examined and discussed—creativity, consciousness, philosophy, imagination, dialogue, indigenous wisdom, language, art, and education. A number of the presenters have kindly allowed us to use their talks, transcribed for this issue. In addition, we have included excerpts from a talk that Bohm delivered before the London Architectural Association in 1967. The complete talk now appears as the title essay in his book On Creativity, Routledge Classics, 2004.

We are delighted to announce that the ‘More Perspectives’ section features the work of Irish artist Pam Harris with her essay ‘Finding David Bohm,’ illustrated with 17 of her paintings. Other essays include Alison MacLeod (renowned for her novels and short story collections) on ‘Making Literature, Science—and Love?’ Jung scholar Roderick Main reflects on Richard Berengarten’s Changing, a volume of poetry devoted to the I Ching. Susanna Calvert looks at creative solutions to climate change and Anna Perdibon writes a story with a local theme: ‘When Plant and Human Creativities Meet: Botanical Stories in Pari.’ Donna Coleman, who runs a monthly webinar at the Pari Center, on different aspects of music, has written a fun piece: ‘Music—It IS Rocket Science!’ and David Peat concludes this issue with his essay on ‘The Creative Spirit.’

The journal is available to everyone who has become a Friend of the Pari Center:

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Finding David Bohm

Pam Harris