Online Pari Community Conversations, Nov 8: What is “I”

What is “I”?

with Yuriko Sato

Sunday November 8 at 9:00 PST  | 12:00 EST  | 18:00 CET

The Jungian analyst, James Hillman, wrote, ‘There is only one core issue for all psychology. Where is the “me”? Where does the “me” begin? Where does the “me” stop? Where does the “other” begin?’ In other words, ‘What is I?’ When we dream at night, is ‘I’ dreaming or being dreamed? Is it also ‘I’ who appears in someone else’s dream? In the Japanese language, there are different words to express ‘I’ according to relationship and occasion. So, what is ‘I’?

On Sunday November 8, Yuriko will open our monthly Community Call with a short presentation on the fascinating topic of ‘What is I’? This will be followed by breakaway discussion groups with the community coming back together for comments and Q&A.

 This event is open to everyone!

Join our Zoom meeting via the following link:

If you would like to participate, have any questions or need any help just contact Eleanor Peat:


Yuriko Sato is a Japanese Jungian analyst and psychotherapist, and a graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute Zürich. She studied medicine and worked as a psychiatrist in Osaka and Kyoto. She has private psychotherapy practices in Zürich and Bern, and is a training/supervising analyst at ISAPZURICH (International School of Analytical Psychology Zürich), where she teaches on topics such as the Eastern (Japanese) psyche, narcissism, and psychiatry.






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