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Beyond Bohm: Science, Order and Creativity
Part 1: Physics and Metaphysics

Part 2: Contemplation and Creativity

Part 1: Physics and Metaphysics
with Emily Adlam, Basil Hiley, Paavo Pylkkänen and Giuseppe Vitiello
Chaired by Shantena Augusto Sabbadini
July 10 – 11, 17 – 18 and Closing Panel 25, 2021
9:00 PDT | 12:00 EDT | 17:00 BST | 18:00 CEST
Two hour sessions on Saturdays and Sundays
All sessions are live; recordings will be available for any sessions you are unable to attend.
David Bohm has given a fundamental contribution to the still ongoing debate on the interpretation of quantum physics, a contribution largely ignored by the mainstream physics community for decades, but now being rediscovered and taken into consideration both in philosophical debate and in mathematical and experimental developments.
This first sequence of Beyond Bohm: Science, Order and Creativity will explore some outer edges of these investigations.
- It will describe how contextuality (one of the most puzzling features of the quantum world) is represented in the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation of quantum physics and compare it to various alternatives.
- It will follow up Bohm’s investigation of consciousness in terms of a dialogue between the self and its Double (the representation it constructs of its surroundings).
- It will outline the Dirac-Bohm picture, a very significant recent mathematical result that provides a different physical intuition with which to understand quantum phenomena.
- It will illustrate some of Bohm’s key philosophical contributions to a scientific metaphysics and sketch how they could be further developed in future research.
Take this unique opportunity to participate in an exploration of what Bohm’s ideas mean for the future, by former colleagues of David Bohm and scholars of his work.
Program of Event
Saturday July 10
Contextuality in de Broglie-Bohm and Beyond
with Emily Adlam
Sunday July 11
The Brain and its Mindful Double
with Giuseppe Vitiello
Saturday July 17
The Dirac-Bohm Picture: Bohm’s 1952 Approach in a Wider Context
with Basil Hiley
Sunday July 18
Understanding the Nature of Reality and Consciousness: Bohm’s Philosophical Project
with Paavo Pylkkänen
Sunday July 25
Closing Panel – Physics and Metaphysics
with Emily Adlam, Basil Hiley, Shantena Augusto Sabbadini and David Schrum

Part 2: Contemplation and Creativity
with more than 25 guest presenters
Chaired by Lee Nichol
August 14 – 15, 21 – 22, 28 – 29, 2021
9:00 PDT | 12:00 EDT | 17:00 BST | 18:00 CEST
Two hour sessions every Saturdays and Sundays
All sessions are live; recordings will be available for any sessions you are unable to attend.
David Bohm’s work has been highly influential in the world of physics, but his philosophical ideas crossed multiple disciplines with a holistic approach. This sequence of presentations will follow some of these ideas, and explore new threads of inquiry inspired by Bohm:
How can artistic expression and philosophical inquiry complement one another? What is the role of imagination in exploring the polarity between participatory consciousness and literal thought? What can we learn from Indigenous cultures about enfoldment and unfoldment in the natural order? Can Bohm’s insight into participatory understanding, along with Buddhist principles, point the way through our collective human sorrow to what may lie beyond? What does the lineage of those who influenced Bohm’s dialogue tell us about the transmission and evolution of participative consciousness in today’s world?
Each of these questions will be addressed in this six-part sequence of presentations. We hope you can join us as we attempt to stand on Bohm’s shoulders and peer into the future.
All sessions will be in ’roundtable’ format, with each having a core group of guest presenters in conversation and dialogue. In most case, the presentations will be followed 30 minutes of discussion and Q & A with all those attending the session. In total, we have more than 25 guest presenters bringing their insights to ‘Beyond Bohm, Part 2.’
Program of Event
Saturday August 14
Creativity and the Artist
with Jessica Ball, Alison Churchill, Emma Cocker and Hester Reeve
Sunday August 15
Imagination and Participation: A Bohm-Barfield Nexus
with James Peat Barbieri, Hester Reeve, Mark Vernon. Facilitated by Lee Nichol
Saturday August 21
Transformation and Renewal Through Indigenous Dialogue
with David Begay (Navajo), Angelita Borbon (Yaqui), Greg Cajete (Tewa), Amethyst First Rider (Blackfoot), Rose Imai (Tuscarora), Leroy Little Bear (Blackfoot), Nancy Maryboy (Navajo), Melissa Nelson (Anishinaabe/Metis), Lee Nichol
Sunday August 22
Changing Consciousness
with Sandra Fiegehen, David Schrum and Stephen Smith
Saturday August 28
Dialogue’s Lineage and the Transmission of Participative Consciousness
with Beth Macy, Mark Ryan and Lee Nichol
Sunday August 29
Beyond Bohm 2: Closing Session
with Leroy Little Bear, Beth Macy, Melissa Nelson, Lee Nichol, Hester Reeve and David Schrum
General Information
All sessions will last for approximately 2 hours, and will be held over The session structure may vary from speaker to speaker, but in general participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the presenter and in some cases there will be breakaway discussion groups.
Each session will be hosted by a member of the Pari Center Team, to ensure that the call is running smoothly and assist anyone experiencing technical problems.
All sessions will be recorded. The recordings will not include the possible breakout-room discussions, but only the speaker’s presentation, follow-up discussions and Q&A. If a participant does not feel comfortable being recorded, we invite that participant to turn off their video and audio throughout the session. These recordings are available to anyone who has purchased a ticket for an attended session, or for a session they have paid for but were unable to attend.