Event Series Beyond Jung 2024: Living Synchronicity

Beyond Jung 2024 – Four Shillings and Sixpence: Synchronicity and Poetry

With Richard Berengarten, session 6 of 6.

As a working poet, Richard Berengarten is interested, both theoretically and practically, in how Jung’s theory of synchronicity—with all its connections of specificity in time and place—is entangled in our ideas and experiences of inspiration, imagination, discovery and creativity. This means that he’s interested in how Jung’s theory is intervolved in both the sciences and the arts, and as much in our day-to-day experiences and dream-life as in, say, religious and visionary experience. To explore his themes and ideas, and to broach some questions arising from them, he’ll read a small selection of his own poems connected with synchronicity, which he’ll open for discussion.

13,50€ – 67,50€
Event Series The Future Mind – A Conversation Series

The Future Mind – A conversation with Jonathan Rowson

Jonathan is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive of Perspectiva, a publishing house and praxis collective based primarily in London. Perspectiva describes itself as an urgent one-hundred-year project to improve the relationship between systems, souls, and society in theory and practice. Jonathan is a philosopher and social scientist by academic training and has degrees from Oxford, Harvard and Bristol Universities. He has written extensively on the idea of metacrisis as our multi-faceted delusion, and he is increasingly focused on experiments in community and spiritual praxis to help shift socio-economic immunity to change.


Event Series The Pari Center Book-a-Month Club

Book-a-Month Club – Verifying Spiritual Reality

Robert Traer’s newly released book, Verifying Spiritual Reality, brings together a wealth of information that disproves that hypothesis of materialism, painting a much older, enduring perspective on the nature of humanity: that we are spiritual beings within a much deeper reality, one grounded in love and interconnectedness. There are, of course, numerous books that relate experiences supporting that conclusion, but if one seeks a single, comparatively short overview, Traer’s book, which provides an overview/survey of the evidence, provides enough specific information to convince any reader that our spiritual nature is undeniable.


The Future World – A Conversation with John Vervaeke

Dr. John Vervaeke, an award-winning professor of psychology, cognitive science, and Buddhist psychology at the University of Toronto, brings a wealth of academic expertise to his courses. With a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Toronto, Dr. Vervaeke served as the former Director of Cognitive Science and holds the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology. He has won and been nominated for several teaching awards and has published articles on relevance realization, general intelligence, mindfulness, flow, metaphor, and wisdom.


Is Idealism Enough?

Rupert Sheldrake recently made a series of criticisms of Bernardo Kastrup’s Analytic Idealism on Curt Jaimungal’s Theories of Everything channel. Kastrup soon responded to Rupert’s points and subsequently Rupert sent Kastrup a rejoinder. Here, in a spirit of true collegiality and intellectual pursuit, we will turn this clash into an opportunity to better understand each other’s position and inquire further into the nature of reality itself. The trialogue between Kastrup, Sheldrake, and Gomez-Marin will be followed by Q&A from the audience.


PSI: Back to the Future

The scientific study of psychic (or PSI) phenomena –which includes extrasensory perception, precognition, synchronicity, direct mind-to-mind communication, or mind-matter interactions– has been going on for more than a century now. Its results are fascinating, puzzling, and often controversial. In this event some of the greatest active researchers in the field will present their own work while reflecting on where PSI has been, where we think it is now, and where we wish it to go. We hope to create an unprecedented audiovisual gathering for current and future generations to get perspective, clarity, and inspiration.

Event Series The Future World – A Conversation Series

The Future World – A Conversation with Michael Levin

Michael Levin’s group at Tufts works to understand information processing and problem-solving across scales, in a range of naturally evolved, synthetically engineered, and hybrid living systems. They are interested in understanding how highly diverse minds are embodied in the physical world, and how cognition and intelligence scales and projects into new problems spaces. Using tools from behavioral, life, and computer sciences, Dr. Levin seeks to develop an empirically useful conceptual framework for identifying and ethically relating to a very wide range of possible minds. This work impacts regenerative medicine, AI, and bioengineering, as well as deep questions about the origin and future of natural and artificial intelligence.


Event Series Beyond the Looking-Glass

Beyond the Looking-Glass

Looking-Glass Universe takes a fascinating look at the wholeness revolution in physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology and neurophysiology, and the scientists whose converging theories are changing our understanding of how the universe works. The series will explore how far the themes of the book Looking-Glass Universe have developed since it was first published.

Looking-Glass Universe by John Briggs and F. David Peat will be released in a new edition this year with physicist Jonathan Allday filling in readers on how science has evolved in the 40 years since the book first appeared. He reviews the progress towards a looking-glass view of the universe and updating aspects of the text in line with current scientific thinking.