Event Series Beyond Bohm 2024 – Part 1

Beyond Bohm 2024, Part 1 – Thought as a System

Thought as a System is David Bohm’s ur-text pertaining to his views regarding the nature of collective thought. It elucidates core themes of awareness, collective assumptions, social conditioning, dialogue, fragmentation, the self-image, insight, meaning, the observer and the observed, proprioception of thought, thinking vs. thought, and many more.

15,00€ – 75,00€

The Future Mind – A Conversation with Federico Faggin

Federico Faggin is a physicist born and educated in Italy who co-invented and developed the MOS Silicon Gate Technology at Fairchild Semiconductor and designed the world’s first microprocessor at Intel. Faggin also co-founded and led Zilog and Synaptics, two successful high-tech companies, before founding the non-profit Federico and Elvia Faggin Foundation, dedicated to the science of consciousness. He received the 2009 National Medal of Technology and Innovation from President Barack Obama.

Event Series Beyond Bohm 2024 – Part 1

Beyond Bohm 2024, Part 1 – Finding David Bohm – and Beyond

In this session, Pam Harris will share with us some of her contemplations of scientific and philosophical questions—including those of David Bohm—and how those contemplations translate to canvas. If contemporary abstract painting has eluded you, this is an opportunity to get a first-hand sensibility of how one artist creates such works.


Free Science in a Free Society: Celebrating Feyerabend’s Centennial

In order to celebrate the centennial of Feyerabend’s birth (and three decades since he passed away), Vandana and Alex will be in dialogue for about one hour, reflecting on his legacy and its impact today. They will discuss current pernicious monotheisms of the mind and, based on general principles and concrete examples, entertain and illustrate alternatives in physics, neurobiology, agriculture, and economy. We would then open it up for questions and comments from the audience.


Event Series Beyond Bohm 2024 – Part 2

Beyond Bohm 2024 – Part 2

After an introduction to Bohm’s physics, we will explore the relations between Russellian monism, William James’s radical empiricism and Bohm’s implicate order; some traditional and recent (e.g., Johanna Seibt’s) work on process philosophy and how it connects with Bohm’s ideas; the idea of quantum properties of matter as potentialities in Bohm’s early thought; the influence of Hegel on Bohm’s ideas about fragmentation and wholeness; and whether Bohm’s notion of active information is a candidate for a unifying notion of information.

Event Series Beyond Bohm 2024 – Part 2

Beyond Bohm 2024, Part 2 – Introduction to Bohm’s Physics

David Bohm made very important contributions to a range of different areas in Physics. Amongst these, his work on quantum theory is possibly the most relevant to Pari discussions. In this talk I will attempt to outline Bohm’s ontological interpretation of quantum theory, which has since been developed by Basil Hiley amongst others. I will also discuss Bohm’s development of the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paper which lead to John Bell’s work and our current understanding of entanglement.
