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Archives: Journals
Life Beyond Mechanism
Given the major challenges faced at this point in human history, which could arguably be attributed to a reductionist, materially focused worldview, it was felt that exploring the challenge of overcoming the limitations of Newtonian mechanics and seeking a new ‘organismic’ approach was warranted. Since the 1920s and 30s, relativistic quantum mechanics has become the dominant…
Economy for Life! Part Two
In the fields of economics and entrepreneurial practice, there is little room to examine and critically question its foundations, let alone propose alternatives that are fundamentally different from today’s reality. Pari, the Pari Center, and David Peat were not only the starting point of this exploration for a fair and sustainable economy, but also serve…
Economy for Life! Part One
How can organizations and individuals transform themselves so that they can become as subtle, sensitive, intelligent and fast-responding as the world around them? David Peat’s work on Gentle Action provides insights into how we can collaborate to orchestrate a better life for everyone. Fundamentally, this encapsulates the essence of our day-to-day economy: managing our collective…
Anomalous Experiences
Having defined anomalous experiences as ‘any paranormal phenomena that occur without rational explanation and seemingly defy our current scientific understanding of the world,’ we invited experts and researchers plus members of the public to contribute to this issue. Part 1 is a collection of eleven essays written by experts and researchers in the field. More Perspectives is a short story by award-winning fiction writer Alison MacLeod.…
Return of the Sacred
Return of the Sacred: Seven Encounters between Science, the Arts, and the Sacred is a late offering by holistic philosopher-scientist and writer F. David Peat. The author brings the reader […]
Recovering the Sacred
Message from John Pickering,curator of the ‘Recovering the Sacred’ online series The ‘Recovering the Sacred’ series was prompted by Maureen’s remark that ‘Pari has done well by Science but somehow […]
Consciousness Revisited
‘Consciousness Revisited’ is the title we have given to the current issue of Pari Perspectives, having initially probed this seemingly inexhaustible topic in December 2021. In this issue we are […]
Love in a Time of Crisis
Welcome to issue 13, September 2022, of Pari Perspectives, which explores the topic of Love in a Time of Crisis. In May of this year we ran an online series […]
Welcome to issue 12 of Pari Perspectives, which explores the topic of Mythologies. Today the word ‘myth’ is largely derogatory, used as it is to designate a narrative which is untrue but […]
Welcome to issue 11 of Pari Perspectives, which explores the topic of Creativity. The idea for an issue on Creativity began in August 2021 when the Pari Center hosted an online series […]
Welcome to issue 10, December 2021, of Pari Perspectives, which explores the topic of Consciousness. It includes contributions from Valerie Hardcastle, Gary Lachman and Beverley Zabriskie who were presenters during […]
In a world that seems to be becoming more and more polarized, we chose as our September 2021 issue the theme of ‘Dualities’ leading with a very thoughtful contribution from […]
Welcome to issue 8 of Pari Perspectives. The theme of our June issue is ‘Synchronicity’. ‘Synchronicity, Mind and Matter’ was the theme of our March 2021 online series featuring such luminaries in the […]
The Common Good
Our March 2021 issue of Pari Perspectives has as its theme ‘The Common Good,’ a concept that has been an important concern of moral and political philosophy since ancient times. […]
Bohm Centennial Celebration
Welcome to issue 6, December 2020, of Pari Perspectives: Ideas in Science, the Arts, Spirit and Community. This is a 220-page special anniversary issue commemorating the life and work of David […]
The Pari Center 20th Anniversary Issue
Welcome to issue 5, September 2020, of Pari Perspectives: Ideas in Science, the Arts, Spirit and Community. This is a special anniversary issue commemorating 20 years of The Pari Center. We […]
Language Matters
Welcome to the fourth issue of the Pari Center journal Pari Perspectives, Ideas in Science, the Arts, Spirit and Community. In this issue we explore language, communication and dialogue with a […]
Our Changing World
Welcome to the third issue, March 2020, of Pari Perspectives: Ideas in Science, the Arts, Spirit and Community. In this issue we explore ‘Our Changing World,’ and as bleak, dangerous […]
The Quest for Wholeness
Welcome to the second issue, December 2019, of Pari Perspectives: Ideas in Science, the Arts, Spirit and Community. The theme of this issue is ‘The Quest for Wholeness’ with heavy […]
Re-Enchanting the World
Read Pari Perspectives 1 for free Welcome to the first issue of the Pari Center journal Pari Perspectives, Ideas in Science, the Arts, Spirit and Community. Each issue will include a […]