Pari Dialogue: The Great Re-Think with Colin Tudge


Although the world is in a terrible state on every front—Covid-19 is just the surface of our problem—there is still time to turn things around. Indeed we and our fellow creatures could and should be looking forward to a long and glorious future—the next million years for starters. To achieve this though we need to re-think everything that we do and take for granted—and to re-think everything in the light of everything else to provide a coherent, ‘holistic’ worldview, and to re-structure accordingly. It all amounts to nothing less than a Renaissance, more profound and far-reaching than the European Renaissance of the 14th-17th centuries. But the present ruling powers—governments, corporates, financiers, and their chosen intellectual advisers—are geared to the status quo and are not going to do what’s needed. So we, people at large, Ordinary Joes and Jos, must take the lead.


Online Pari Community Conversations: Presencing with Julie Arts


Online Pari Community Conversations: Presencing with Julie ArtsSaturday June 27 at 16:00 (CEST)Presencing (blending Presence and Sensing) is the capacity to operate from the source of one’s highest future possibility, in […]

Infinite Potential: The Life and Ideas of David Bohm – Exclusive Screening of Director’s Cut


David Bohm was one of the 20th Century’s most brilliant physicists. INFINITE POTENTIAL takes us on a mystical and scientific journey into the nature of life and reality with David Bohm, the man Einstein called his ‘spiritual son’ and the Dalai Lama his ‘science guru.’ A physicist and explorer of Consciousness, Bohm turned to Eastern wisdom to develop groundbreaking insights into the profound interconnectedness of the Universe and our place within it.

The Director’s Cut will feature exclusive interviews with luminaries such as H.H. the Dalai Lama, Basil Hiley, Sir Anthony Gormley, Sir Roger Penrose, Yakir Aharnov and Leroy Little Bear among others. This version will feature in-depth explorations of David Bohm’s ideas and philosophy, with original animations curated by physicist Chris Dewdney.

Entering Bohm’s Holoflux


An experiential, experimental approach to David Bohm’s holoflux: the flowing movement of all that is, the ground of our being, the mysterious domain in which mind, matter, and meaning are an organic whole.

Bohm proposed that human beings hold the potential to manifest the holoflux as living reality. What access points might we already have to this potential? What aspects of our personal and cultural lives thwart this access? Through presentation and extensive participant interaction, these questions will guide our inquiry.


David Bohm Dialogue: Is There a Different Way to Talk Together


This dialogue program is an invitation both to those new to dialogue and those who have participated previously. It is a journey together, without leaders or followers. Registrants and convenors enquire as co-participants, as we explore the movement of conscious mind and touch into what may lie beyond.

Each week a presenter will offer a brief introduction to a dialogue theme. Group dialogues of about two hours will follow. All convenors will participate in each session. Through this series, our weekly introductory focus will progress—beginning from (1) a general overview, then moving to (2) self, (3) the other, (4) the group as a whole, (5) silence and (6) the dialogic field. In practice, however, our intention is that every session may bring in all these aspects and that we explore without boundaries, in freedom.


Online Pari Community Conversations: What is ‘I’? with Yuriko Sato


The Jungian analyst, James Hillman, wrote, ‘There is only one core issue for all psychology. Where is the “me”? Where does the “me” begin? Where does the “me” stop? Where does the “other” begin?’ In other words, ‘What is I?’ When we dream at night, is ‘I’ dreaming or being dreamed? Is it also ‘I’ who appears in someone else’s dream? In the Japanese language, there are different words to express ‘I’ according to relationship and occasion. So, what is ‘I’?

Event Series Flickering Reality

Flickering Reality: Exploring Alex Garland’s “Devs” with James Peat Barbieri


James Peat Barbieri will explore the ideas that arise from Alex Garland’s Devs (2020). This 8-part series follows the story of the secret department of a high-tech company, which is developing a quantum computer that will be able to determine the past and the future by analysing data from the present. This session will take a look at the ideas in physics used in the show, such as Bohm and Everett’s interpretations of Quantum Mechanics, the philosophical implications of living in a deterministic world, and the meaning of faith in science and in the creators of visionary technologies.The session will be followed by Q&A and discussion.
