Weekend Among Friends in Tuscany: A Tribute to Uncertainty

Pari, Italy

How can organizations and individuals transform themselves so that they can become as subtle, sensitive, intelligent and fast-responding as the world around them? (David Peat, 2010)We are all familiar with setting goals and making action plans to realize them. We plan to move, to find a new job, to do better in our friendships or […]

Mind, Matter and Cosmos

Pari, Italy

This course will examine how we are now moving in this fluid context, rethinking the ways in which we represent reality and recovering a sense of oneness with other human beings and all life forms. We will use physics as an instrument of wonder, a way to contact the mystery of our existence as conscious beings in this vast universe. We will explore our place in the universe both in terms of modern cosmology and ancient sacred geometry, visiting some living traces of this in the monasteries of the region of Siena and the Maremma. We will also refer to Bach’s music as a key to participating in the cycles of the cosmos, and the harmony of the spheres.


A group of 10 Swedish Jungians will study Wolfgang Pauli, Synchronicity and Mind and Matter with Swedish teacher Dr Suzanne Gieser, and guest Dr Shantena Sabbadini who will talk about Consciousness.

David Bohm Centennial Celebration

This will be an informal meeting with presentations by experts on Bohm’s life, work and philosophy followed by roundtable discussions.

Key topics will include Quantum Theory and Relativity, the Aharonov-Bohm Effect, Implicate and Explicate Orders, Limits of Language, Dialogue, Philosophy of Mind, Creativity, Rheomode, Protomind, the Bohm/Krishnamurti relationship.

Exploring Synchronicity: Jung, Pauli and the I Ching

Pari, Italy

In this seminar we will investigate synchronicity both  as an interpretative principle and as a psychological experience through the actual consultation of the oracle. We will use the Eranos I Ching, an innovative translation by the sinologist Rudolf Ritsema and Shantena Augusto Sabbadini, the fruit of fifty years of research by Ritsema and a decade of Round Table Sessions at the Eranos East-West study centre, which was founded under Jung’s supervision in 1933.

Exploring the Mystery of Time

Pari, Italy

Exploring the Mystery of TimeSeptember 6 – 12, 2018with Julian Barbour, Mauro Bergonzi, Warwick Fox, Christopher Hauke, Alison MacLeod, James Peat Barbieri, Hester Reeve, Shantena Sabbadini, David Schrum and Gordon ShippeyWhat is time? It is at the same time what is closest to us and the deepest mystery. So close we cannot step outside it […]

Pilgrimages to Emptiness: Rethinking Reality through Quantum Physics

This seminar is an invitation to wonder and be grateful for the adventure of life and for the mystery of which we are part. We and the world are expressions of the same creativity of existence, waves in the ocean of consciousness. Embracing our oceanic nature is the way to find peace on an individual and a collective level.

Weekend Among Friends: Small changes making big differences

Pari, Italy

If we have a wider range of ideas, knowledge and expressions to tap into, we would probably be better equipped for developing a way of living that contributes to the wellbeing of everyone in harmony with our Earth. Can we find ways to cooperate with the earth, with wisdom rooted in other worldviews then ours and with ideas born and nurtured in other communities, disciplines, cultures and places?

This year’s Weekend Among Friends is a tribute to the other and elsewhere.

Open to everyone, contact us: eleanor@parinetworks.org

Re-enchanting the World: Narratives of Wholeness

Pari, Italy

with Richard Berengarten, Andrew Fellows, Elena Liotta, Roderick Main, Shantena Augusto Sabbadini and Yuriko Sato

Carl Jung once said that the gods we have expelled from our psyche come back to us in the guise of diseases (and, we might add, ecological disasters). Only the contact with the numinous can make us whole and enable us to navigate the tremendous challenges of the Anthropocene.

By focusing exclusively on the measurable aspects of the world modern science has gained immense technological power, but it has lost the living quality of experience and the intimate participation in the web of life.

The June 2019 Pari Dialogue will invite archetypes of wholeness to our discussions as we work toward a return of the world soul.
Open to everyone, contact us: eleanor@parinetworks.org


Science, Art and the Sacred: The Quest for Wholeness

Pari, Italy

with Isis Brook, Basil Hiley, Ciprian Man, Hester Reeve, Shantena Augusto Sabbadini, David Schrum, Godelieve Spaas and Christopher Todhunter and the Screening of Absurdity of Certainty, directed by Jena Axelrod, feat. F. David Peat

How can we bring about a future that respects the Earth and that nurtures the wellbeing of all?

The Pari Dialogue of 2019 considers this challenge. Through seminars, exploratory discussions and practical sessions, we will examine humanity’s current situation and explore key factors for the co-creation of a future that respects our planet and benefits all. Together with leaders in key areas—physics, economics, the arts, cultural studies, ecology—we invite participants to envision an emerging holistic future.

Join us as we follow in a spirit that honours these attitudes and the work of David Bohm and F. David Peat, as we explore together pathways to a holistic future.
Open to everyone, contact us: eleanor@parinetworks.org